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GVHC Meet Our Providers – Michael Greenlee, CADC-II

Golden Valley Health Centers is excited to be ringing in the new year with a brand new, “Meet Our Providers” campaign! Each month we will be highlighting Golden Valley Health Centers’ (GVHC) providers on the GVHC Website and on Social Media.

Meet Our Providers blog header Michael Greenlee

Specialty: Substance Use Disorder
Ubicación: Tenaya
Credentials: Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor II
GVHC Start Date: 2018

What is your specialty?

I work with patients who have opioid use disorder and also provide substance abuse services for substances outside of opioids. I provide the majority of my services through the Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) program. Patients are usually referred to me by other providers, and I provide an assessment to determine the severity of their substance abuse disorders, specifically opioid use. If necessary, I then provide 50 minutes of counseling per month to support them and educate them on relapse prevention skills, warning signs, and safe coping skills to help reduce substance use if not completely absent.

What made you want to become a counselor?

I had a history of substance abuse disorders myself, and my recovery from substance use disorder made me feel that my experience should be shared with others so they can find the strength and hope to help others recover.

Meet Our Providers - blog quote Michael Greenlee

What are important services you provide that most patients don’t know about?

There are a lot of people who are not aware of the MAT program. I hope word gets out that we are here to help, and we do everything that we can to help a person with an opioid use disorder, and that goes along with any other substance abuse disorder. At Golden Valley Health Centers, we listen to our patients and are non-judgmental when assisting.

What do you like most about working at GVHC?

I have enjoyed the success of the MAT program. I have been doing this line of work for over 21 years, and this by far has been the most successful treatment program I have been a part of. The reason behind the success is the program has a full-service team. Patients in the MAT program receive services from doctors, nurses, and licensed clinical social workers.

What are your thoughts on GVHC’s 50th anniversary?

Knowing how Golden Valley Health Centers has grown from one clinic to what it is today makes me proud that I am working for a successful healthcare center. It’s incredible the number of patient services available and the impact GVHC has had on our local community.

M.A.T. Program medal
motorcycle graphic

Fun Facts About You!

Well, I have a few things. First, I am a motorcycle enthusiast. I have been riding motorcycles continuously since 1996, and I have been all over the western united states on a motorcycle. I also love gardening. I grow berries, and I make my jam and pies.

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Very friendly and helpful staff, Keep up the great patient care!
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